If you see a message on the ADT app that says “Status Unknown”, it means that your ADT Pulse camera is offline. But don’t worry about it. In this article, we will show how to easily fix the ADT Pulse camera offline issue.
The error message indicates that for some reason the system is not able to detect the camera. Most of the time the issue is caused by power issues or network connectivity problems.
How to fix the ADT Pulse camera offline issue
There are two things that need to be checked: the power and the internet signal.
Power Loss
Obviously, the camera cannot connect to the app if there’s a power loss. In this sense, “Status Unknown” means that the app can’t figure out what’s wrong with the camera since the unit is not even powered.
Check to see if the LED lights on your camera are on. If they aren’t, you have to ensure that the device is plugged in a power outlet (using the power adapted).
Inspect the wires and ensure that no cable is loose or unplugged. Sometimes the outlet has problems and you can try another one to rule it out. Maybe a breaker in your house went off.
Next, it’s a good idea to put your Pulse Camera through a power cycle that can solve any software-related problems. Disconnect the power adapter from the camera for several minutes, then power up your camera and give it 5 minutes to reconnect.
Wifi signal failed
The ADT Pulse camera needs to be connected to the WiFi in order to connect to the gateway. Both the camera and the gateway need to be under strong WiFi coverage.
Perhaps the WiFi signal has some issue and is not working at all or it’s not stable. Or maybe the camera is just too far away from the WiFi access point (especially if you recently moved your gateway or camera).
Depending on your wifi’s strength and where you have your cameras, you may want to look into a Wifi range extender.
Try the following tips:
- Ensure that the WiFi internet actually is working. Connect to it via your phone and check some random websites.
- Ensure that the ADT Gateway is turned on.
- Ensure the LEDs on the camera are turned on.
- Power cycle your router, camera, and Gateway
Delete the camera from the app
If the suggestions listed above don’t work, the last thing you need to try is deleting the ADT Pulse camera from the system and adding it again. Sometimes this trick solves the issue.
Once the camera is deleted from the app, follow the steps below to add it back to your system:
- Log onto the ADT Pulse Portal.
- Go to the Systems Tab, click on “Manage Devices” and follow the prompts one by one.
- Connect the ethernet cable to the gateway device’s LAN port. Then you need the Server ID from the camera and enter that into the Pulse web portal screen.
If still none of these works and the camera appears to be offline, then as the last option you need to contact the installer or the ADT directly and they’ll send out a technician. Depending on the contract and arrangement, they may end up charging.