Many people want to change the order of their cameras on their Live View, or they want to hide certain cameras from the monitor.
In this guide we will show how to change the Live View channels on your TV screen. The method shown here works for a Hikvision NVR or DVR (the steps are identical).
The default order the live cameras are shown on the local monitor (TV) is decided by the sequence you add the camera into the recorder. Live View settings can be customized according to different needs.
You can configure the output interface, dwell time for the screen to be shown, mute or turn on the audio, the screen number for each channel, etc.
How to change the Live View channels on the local monitor
Log into your recorder by using your username and password. Navigate to the Live View Settings interface. (Menu > Configuration > Live View).
The settings available in this menu include:
- Video Output Interface: Designates the output to configure the settings for. HDMI 1, HDMI 2 and VGA are provided.
- Live View Mode: Designates the display mode to be used for Live View.
- Dwell Time: The time in seconds to dwell between switching of channels when enabling auto-switch in Live View.
- Enable Audio Output: Enables/disables audio output for the selected video output.
- Volume: Adjust the volume of live view, playback and two-way audio for the selected output interface.
- Event Output: Designates the output to show event video.
- Full Screen Monitoring Dwell Time: The time in seconds to show the alarm event screen.
Setting up the camera’s order
Navigate to Configuration > Live View > View.
Select a View mode at the bottom. The 1/4/6/8/9/16/25/32/36/64-window split modes are supported depending on different models.
Select the small window, and double-click on the channel number to display the channel on the window. You can click the play button to start the live view for all the channels and click to stop all the live view.
Click the Apply button to save the setting. You can also click-and-drag the camera to the desired window on the live view interface to set the camera’s order (or you can move a camera altogether from the live view).
These settings affect only the live view mode on the local monitor or TV which is connected straight to the recorder.
On the phone, on the computer and remotely the cameras live view will be on default mode.