This issue shows up when trying to access the video stream of Hikvision CCTV cameras on Live View mode. You’ll see this error message: “The stream is encrypted. Please go to the Local Configuration interface to set the Encryption Key and restart live view.” The error message is seen as a pop-up in the bottom right corner of your screen. You click to see the cameras on Live View and this error message doesn’t let the live feed to come online.
How to fix the Hikvision “Invalid encryption key” error?
In order to fix this issue, navigate to Configuration > Advanced Settings > and set the encryption key. Actually, this so-called “key” is the “Verification Code” that you did set when you enabled the Platform Access for Hik-Connect. So, you need to enter this key (verification code) in the Encryption Key field (click the “eye” icon to reveal the entered key).
The above verification code needs to be entered via the web browser to any computer/laptop that you intend to access the Hikvision NVR or DVR from. Check the picture below, that’s where you need to enter the verification code (the so called encryption key).
After that, you need to disable encrypted streaming on the recorder itself. This can only be done via a TV/monitor directly connected to your NVR/DVR. Via the recorder’s interface navigate to Configuration > Network > Access Platform and untick “Enable Stream Encryption“. After all these steps are completed, then you should be able to see the “live view” of your cameras in your web browser.