The Hikvision error offline(0x1001) shows up in the Platform Access tab if you try to view your Hikvision IP system (DVR/NVR) or via the P2P method (Hik-Connect).
In technical terms, this error is generated when the Hikvision NVR or DVR (or even a single IP camera) fails to communicate with the Hik-Connect server via the P2P protocol. We’ve listed a few tips on how to fix the offline 0x1001 issue.
How to fix Hikvision error Offline(0x1001)?
First of all, ensure that your Hikvision recorder is connected to the internet. One of the main reasons that cause this error 0x1001 is an internet problem.
Check the Ethernet cable, make sure it’s fully plugged in, and that the port at the back of the NVR/DVR is blinking correctly.
Next, go to the Network settings of the recorder and double-check the IP settings. Make sure that the IP is unique.
To make things easy, set the IP address on DHCP mode, meaning the router will assign an IP to the recorder.
Again on the Network settings, set the DNS server manually. For “Preferred DNS” enter and for the “Alternate DNS” enter
Click Apply to save the settings. Go back to Platform Access to see if the error P2P is online. Once you are done, return to Platform Access to check if the Hikvision Error Offline (0x1001) has disappeared.
If you want to assign your own IP address, make sure it’s unique and enter the correct Gateway and Subnet mask (they should be the same settings as your router).
Double-check the port forwarding settings on the router, and make sure the ports are open correctly. Open up the HTTP, server, and RTSP ports (many recorders need all these three ports forwarded).
Update the NVR or DVR to the latest firmware. It has been reported that some firmware versions have content bugs that may cause this kind of error. Contact Hikvision or your local dealer to get the right firmware for your machine.
To conclude, update the firmware on the router (if there’s a new one). Reboot the router and then reboot your NVR or DVR and try again. Go back to the Platform Access and Error Offline(0x1001) should have been corrected.