Many Hikvision NVRs or DVRs support the Redundancy Record mode which can be used to automatically create a backup to the footage that is being recorded.
To utilize this feature you need to have more than two hard disks installed into the recorder. Additionally, the redundancy must be used in group mode.
In other words, by using this function, you can set the CCTV system to record the footage on two hard drives at the same time. If one of them goes bad, you’ll have the recordings in the other one.
It can be a very useful function, especially when the end-user is required to save the recordings in two hard disks simultaneously. Moreover, it’s recommended to be used on the cameras deemed as very important for the security.
In this guide, we will show the procedure of using the Redundancy Record mode on a Hikvision recorder (NVR or DVR).
Hikvision: How to configure Redundancy Record in Group Mode
Before starting, make sure that your recorder supports the redundancy feature. Additionally, always use surveillance rated hard drives. Follow the steps below one by one.
Step 1. Let’s start by configuring the group function on the NVR. Navigate to the Storage interface and select Storage Mode in the drop-down list on the top-left side.
Then select the Group mode on the right side. Click the channel (camera no) which needs to be recorded in redundancy and Apply. You can select more than one, whatever channel needs to be recorded twice. Once you do that, wait for the system rebooting.
Step 2. Now we have to start the Redundancy Video Record in a group. Enter the Storage interface and select Storage Device in the drop-down list on the top-left side.
Select Edit in the listed hard disks. This will be the hard drive that will be set as a redundancy disk.
Go to the Storage Device tab and select the Redundancy button. Click OK to apply the settings.
Once you do that, you need to go to Storage > Record Schedule > Advanced Parameters and check Redundant Record.
Don’t forget to hit Apply to save the settings. This is pretty much the whole procedure. Now the selected cameras will record on two hard drives at the same time. If one goes bad, you’ll already have a backup.