Detection Settings and Zones allow you control when, where, and how motion is detected. Only want to detect motion at your front door, driveway, or that small area around the cookie jar? This article will explain in details how to do the settings correctly and get the most of your Wyze camera.
How motion detection works
Wyze Cam detects motion by comparing pixels changing between video frames. “Motion” is recorded when large clusters of pixels change over time. This large cluster can mean a small object moving close to the camera, or a big object moving farther away (like a tree blowing in the wind).
Detection Settings
You can set the sensitivity of your Wyze Cam in Detection Settings. There, you’ll see a slider with a range of 1-100. This slider will adjust the percentage of changed pixels needed to generate an event video.
To change the settings, go to your Wyze app and pick the camera you would like to edit. This will take you to the Live Stream of that camera. Then tap the Settings icon on the top right. From here, tap Detection Settings.
Set up Detection Zones
The Detection Zone feature allows you to define a specific area that you want your Wyze Cam to detect motion in. Everything outside of the zone is ignored and will not trigger an Event Video (if Motion Detection is turned on) or Motion Tracking (if Motion Tracking is turned on). You can use Detection Zones to exclude frequently or publicly accessed areas, such as sidewalks or roads, or only to watch a doorway.
To set up a Detection Zone:
1. In the Wyze app, pick the camera you would like to edit by selecting it to enter the live stream.
2. Tap the Settings > Detection Settings > Detection Zone.
3. Toggle Detection Zone on/off.
4. When Detection Zone is on, drag the corners of the box to set your motion detection target area. The Detection Zone will be saved automatically.