Wyze error code 20 shows up randomly. You open the app on the phone, all the cameras come online and they stay a few minutes, and then you’ll see this message on the screen: Connection failed (error code :20).
In other scenarios, the Wyze error code 20 shows right away after you run the phone app. It’s frustrating and the Wyze hasn’t addressed it yet properly. In this guide, we’ve listed a few tips on how to fix Wyze error code 20.

Wyze Error Code 20 (quick fix)
Connect to the right access point
In a few cases, the error is linked to a bridge set up in your wireless network. Let’s say you have 4 cameras, 2 bridges, and one router. It may happen that the cameras and the phone (where the app is installed) connect to various access points.
One can be 2.4Ghz the other one 5Ghz or other frequencies. If you turn off the WiFi and try again, the error code 20 disappears. So, make sure the cameras and the phone are connected to the same access point. The solution doesn’t really make much sense, but it has been reported that fixes the issue.
Forcefully close the app
Forcefully close the Wyze app, wait at least 30 seconds, and then reopen the app again. Try again to see the cameras. Additionally, you may try to update the camera and the app to the latest firmware.
Power cycle the camera
Reboot the camera, wait 1 minute and power it back on. Close the app on the phone and start it again. Reboot the phone as well. It has been reported that sometimes power cycling the camera fixes the issue.
Move the MicroSD card
Another suggestion is to pull out the microSD card from the back of the camera, wait a few seconds, and insert it back into the slot. Reboot the camera and try to see if error code 20 disappears from the screen. insert it back a few seconds later and reboot the camera.
Return the camera
If the issue still persists, try to contact the Wyze for support. If they still can’t fix it, then you can return the camera or ask for a replacement. It’s frustrating that many users complain about error code 20 and Wyze still hasn’t released a permanent fix.
Error 20 is simply a time out error due to connection speed. ALL of my cameras connect without issue when I am on my home WiFi, and when I have a solid 4G connection. However the other day I went over my high speed data limit on my phone. This made me get throttled to 2G. When that happened I would get error 20 on every camera when I tried to connect using my cellular data. When I was home again and on the WiFi, every camera connected again without issue. The problem is that wyze doesn’t understand security cameras and doesn’t realize that a slower FPS and resolution is 100000000% better than not being able to see anything. literally 3FPS and 144p would be better than not being able to see the feed at all. Hopefully they will address this issue, but I am not holding my breath.