If your Zosi NVR or DVR is beeping or making audible warning long beeps, follow the steps below to fix the issue. Most of the time the beeping may be an error type of message or when the motion is detected it beeps to let you know. For security reasons, it’s recommended to investigate further what’s causing the beeping.
Right click your mouse (the one connected to your NVR), then go to System Setting > General Setting > Error Setting. Here make sure that “Enable” and “Buzzer” are unchecked (unticked).
Right click your NVR mouse again, then go to System setting > Channel Setting >
Video Detection. Make sure that “Buzzer” is unchecked for all channels. By doing this we disabled the beeping when motion/video is detected.
If you did complete the first two steps and the beeping still continues, then perform the following procedure:
Right click your NVR mouse, then click System setting > System Admin > Factory setting. Here you have to uncheck WiFi reset, then click Apply to reset NVR settings.
If you cannot view the cameras on the NVR after resetting, please right click your NVR mouse, then click the Exit system, and choose Shutdown.
Follow the on-screen message to unplug NVR from power and then re-plug it back to NVR. Wait for the NVR to initialize. After that the cameras will be back online.